Thursday, July 20, 2017

Back to Draper Temple

I don't think I've gone to the temple since coming home from college. When I was at college, I only went once since I don't have a car, but was able to snag a ride with Alison. Dad does baptisms Thursday mornings, and Jorja was going with a bunch of her friends (and Mom). I decided to tag along too. It wasn't crowded and we had breakfast at Kneaders afterwards. Nice.

It was Matt's birthday today! He was really nice and spent it with us. His kids sure enjoyed all the cousin love. Rachel and Sam cooked lots of food- hamburgers and cake, mainly, and I think potato salad or something. The smoke alarms went off in the process. In fact, there was smoke everywhere, to the point that we were shepherding kids out front. I was amused at watching Matt cart baby Greg in his carseat out and place him gently on the porch. Fun times.

I also heard that Dallin came back to the states today. Weird to think that all these boys who are my age are returning home. I'm getting old.