Sunday, July 2, 2017

Church at School

Sam made a bunch of yummy bread for breakfast this morning! She had various loafs. I had a piece of banana bread, though I liked the cinnamon bread the most.

After we ate, we went to Steve and Sharon's ward for church. Apparently, their building burned down awhile ago, so they meet in the school gym instead. I wonder what our ward would do if we lost our building.

During fast and testimony meeting, one guy gave a cool talk about driving up to his family reunion, and all the bugs that kept hitting his windshield. It didn't become a problem until he turned a corner and the sun hit. All the bugs lit up, and he couldn't see. Something meaningless became a massive trial. If he would have taken care of the problem earlier, or better prepared for it, he wouldn't have needed to struggle. I thought it was a good message.

The kids played lots of "One Night Ultimate Werewolf", and we had taco haystacks for dinner courtesy of Mom. Jorja's mini KitKats had melted in the car, so she stuck them in the freezer... When they were hard, she let me have a bite:

Stockton and Brett hosted a foosball bracket today. Brett won, with Stockton in second. Mighty suspicious.

Playing against Matt

Matt, Brett, and I played Pillage and Plunder- and I won. I was the only one in a schooner and had a full crew. I tried to fight a merchant, but Brett rolled doubles and it sailed to him. I rolled for the merchant, and it hit him all four times- instantly putting him out of the game. 

Brett showed me his cards a couple of times prior this turn. Specifically, he showed me the four schooners in his hand. He didn't have the money to upgrade, but he didn't want to pass them to Matt. He would discard two cards in order to slip a schooner under there so Matt couldn't pick it off the discard pile. But then he'd draw another schooner! He had six schooners in his hand during the game.

With Brett out, the game was down between me and Matt. Since Matt was still in a sloop and had been knocked down with sea serpents and scurvy and things, I attacked him a turn or two later and took him down. It was fun to win! It's been awhile since we've played a game where victory is earned via attacking, and not merely by having the most gold at the end.

My ship

Brett's roll vs. my merchant roll, against an English Strength 4