Saturday, July 1, 2017

Cabin, Drama

Jorja came home from EFY today! She mostly had a good time, and made a lot of friends, though she was really sad to say good-bye to them. Several of them live in California, although a few of them live around Utah.

Jorja in the middle, with many friends

Although she did enjoy EFY, Jorja was bothered all week long by a boy who kept texting her. He's been playing mind games with her for awhile now, telling her he likes her only to turn around and say he likes another girl, and that "he's sorry" and "feels bad for making a mistake" and "won't do it again", and he "wants another chance". 

Jorja keeps telling this kid that they weren't really together, but he's been constantly guilting her, telling her, "Well, I can't believe you actually broke up with me," and such. He also claimed that Jorja had been kissing another boy who had come over to our house, and that he had pictures to prove it (pictures he couldn't produce, of course). And he called Jorja a liar, and said things like he trusts their mutual friend more than he trusts her. He encouraged many of his friends to text Jorja and pester her about why she wasn't responding to him within .5 seconds. He wanted to "rekindle" his relationship with her, despite Jorja telling him that there would never be a relationship between them. Anyway, it was a mess.

Mom sent Jorja off to softball practice, and then she and I walked down to the church for our stake patriarch's funeral. It's pretty sad to see him go, but he was a good man, and I'm sure he'll enjoy many rewards in heaven.

At the funeral, we saw the dad of the boy who'd been texting Jorja all week. On our walk to the church, Mom had said he would probably be there, and she was trying to decide if she wanted to talk to him. I sat on the stand with Mom and sang with the choir, and after the services had ended and people were leaving, I said a quick prayer, "Heavenly Father, there's that boy's dad, and my mom might talk to him about what happened. Please help her make the choice that will make circumstances better for Jorja."

Mom did talk to the dad, gently, about what had happened, and he was very nice and said that he'd touch base with his son. She and I talked about it to Jorja when we got home. This boy has been treating her poorly, and if no one tells him that this isn't okay, he'll just go on treating girls like this. An hour or two later, he sent a text apologizing for his actions and saying that he wouldn't act this way again. I imagine his parents must have asked if they could look through his phone and talked to him about the texts he'd been sending. Hopefully things get better for Jorja from here on out.

Well, we packed and drove up to cabin. We stopped by Grandpa's house to pick up a package for Anne first (Sam bought her a cape, I think), and then we grabbed food from Zupa's. Mom did a great job driving, and although the van didn't have air conditioner, no one overheated. As we neared the cabin, we grabbed some Benadryl for Dad (As well as some milk and candy). He'd been out fixing the lawn mower, but his allergies were getting to him. His eyes were pretty swollen by the time we got up there.

It's nice to be with family again, and I get to sleep in a big bed with lots of blankets tonight. Being at the cabin is always nice. Here's to a great upcoming week!