Saturday, September 16, 2017

I Ride With My Mom If I Want To

I had an 8:00 laser hair-removal appointment today. Due to the issue with the antibiotics and rescheduling last time, the lady I'd been talking to offered to come in early. That was really nice of her. She was the only one there when we arrived, since technically they weren't supposed to be open.

She was a little weird once she started talking to me, though. She kept asking me about how I had gotten here from school, and she didn't seem too impressed when I explained how Mom picked me up every six weeks. She said that I could ride the bus to Salt Lake instead, and then my mom could just pick me up from there. That sounds like it would get expensive pretty quickly, and then I'd have to ride the public bus with lots of strangers for a few hours. This way, my mom is able to come up and buy me groceries, we talk, and sometimes we go out to eat. Oh well. The hair removal got done, and I guess that's the important part.

I spent some time studying today, mostly for my measurements class. I wanted to review my notes and do some extra research to better understand those things that had confused me on Tuesday. It was surprisingly difficult to hunt down the information I was looking for. Apparently my teacher makes up a lot of the terms and definitions he uses, so they don't actually have real names or definitions that can be found via Google. Lovely.

Dad made tasty homemade spaghetti for dinner tonight, which was almost too bad since Mom brought back pizza after I ate. Stockton had asked for it. I don't get pizza when I'm up at school a lot, so I managed to eat one slice. That meant that we finished off the box and didn't have to refrigerate anything, so that's a great reason to eat pizza. I'm a hero.