I had heard some noises this morning that sounded like nearby construction or something, but I didn't think too much of it until I walked out and found washing machines and dryers right outside my door. I guess they're getting some new ones put in. Hopefully they're nice and there are plenty of them.
I had my apprenticeship class today, so we could all check in with our teacher and make sure things were going well. I won't have it again for another several weeks. Kind of nice. Then I went to fiction writing. I forgot to mention that on the first day of class, we wrote down two truths and a lie that were supposed to be tied together with some sort of theme. Each day of class, someone is called on to come up and get their card, introduce themselves, and then read their truths and lie and have the rest of the class guess what they lied about. My things were, "I own a pet cat named Ribbons, I'm a certified veterinary assistant, and I've never eaten popcorn". My teacher asked what my theme was and wasn't super impressed when I said it was, "Things I usually say on Two Truths and a Lie". I thought it was funny.
I rode the Blue Stadium shuttle back down to its stop. With all the construction going on, it doesn't go down 8th East, circle around, and come up through the stadium the way it did last year. Instead, it goes partway down the main hill, cuts across a parking lot, and then comes down and turns to get in the stadium from there. This means that it stops and lets people off on its right, whereas the actual bus stop is on its left. So, you have to either walk in front of the bus or behind it to head towards Blue Square.
So that's what I was doing. I think I must have been first in line. I was crossing in front of the bus, and just stepping out from in front of it and into that little strip of parking lot between the bus and the bus stop on its left when a big red car barreled around the corner and shot past me through the lot. It almost ran me right over at top speed. I could have sworn it's illegal to pass a stopped bus, but okay, that's fine. Maybe that only applies when the bus has an actual stop sign.
I wasn't hit, thankfully, but I easily could have been. I guess now I know to pay better attention to my surroundings when I move between the bus door and the bus stop.