Monday, May 8, 2017

A Writing Day

My parents and I made a deal that they wouldn't pressure me to get a summer job this year if I spent my time treating writing as though it were my job, and essentially working on it all day as though I were in an office.

So of course, I spent the day writing, and that's probably how a lot of my summer blog posts will go. To be more specific, I combed through my old writing and gathered up all my worldbuilding notes.

This afternoon, I took a break and asked Mom if she wanted to go for a walk so I could get some fresh air and move around. It turned out to be a nice long walk. We went up past the neighborhood pool a ways and followed a bike path to a street that looped back behind the pool and basketball court.

But like I said, mostly I wrote. My siblings and I also watched some "Bruno the Kid" tonight (namely the big three-part episode). I looked the episode up myself later to get this screenshot:

There are only a few left before we finish the series. Just a little one-season Saturday morning cartoon. An amusing one full of sass and puns, though.