Friday, May 26, 2017

Overstock Lagoon Day 2017

We went to Overstock Lagoon Day a little later than usual, since Preston had a school party he really wanted to attend. On our way there, we picked up a friend from Dad's work who hadn't been planning to come since he didn't have a ride. He seemed to enjoy it, though some rides were a bit too much for him.

Because the park gets rented out, the lines are a lot shorter for everything than they otherwise would be. Normally, we take advantage of this and ride all the little kid rides, even stuff like Puff the Magic Dragon and little boats and planes. I guess it was because we went late, but we didn't go for that this time. We just rode rides we really wanted to.

I had the chance to ride the Ferris Wheel! I think that now I've ridden every ride in the entire park! Except for the ones you have to pay for. Maybe I can ride those with my husband one day.

After another round on Wicked and Spider each, we ate some tasty BeaverTails. We'd had them once before and enjoyed them. Each of us paired up with a "BeaverTail buddy". Preston hoped to split a banana chocolate with me, but I rejected him hoping I could get cinnamon. Then I realized Stockton and I were together, and that he probably wouldn't go for cinnamon. We shared a banana chocolate and Preston feigned offense that I had ditched him for my other brother.

Lagoon also put in two new rides in the Kiddie area. Fortunately, adults could ride too, so I was still able to ride all the park's rides. One is called Flying Tigers, and is a bit like a merry-go-round with planes. It reminded me of the Baby Park course from Mario Kart Double Dash. It wasn't very exciting. I can't believe they made another kiddie plane ride when they had a name like Flying Tigers. I'll bet little kids would love to ride a little kiddie merry-go-round full of winged tigers!

The second ride is a safari-themed jeep ride, that we nicknamed Jumping Jeeps. We enjoyed this one a lot more! There's a ramp built into the lift, so each time the Jeeps circle, they spring really high into the air and bounce like springs. We went on it twice and made it our last ride of the night. Nice to take advantage of it when there were no lines!

Jorja, Preston, Stockton

 There's a lovely mural painted on the wall too

The rides were built where Bulgy the Whale used to be. Bulgy moved around the corner. Preston decided to ride it:

So, that was Overstock Lagoon Day for another year! It's fun that we get to do this! I guess if I still live in this area after I'm married, maybe Dad can pick up another ticket for my husband that we can buy off him. Hmm.