Monday, May 15, 2017


And now we enter a series of blog posts titled, "These days won't sound very exciting". I stayed home and wrote a lot. Mom and I talked a bit about mountains and how they're formed, and I did some more research about planets. For dinner, I made Preston and I some macaroni and cheese for the first time since I came back from college, so that was pretty nice.

Additionally, on Mom's old iPhone we were able to locate the recording that I had made of Great-Grandpa Parry, when I had interviewed him to talk about life back when he was younger, and World War II. It's an hour long, and Mom was pretty happy that we hadn't lost it. We'll have to make sure the file gets uploaded to a computer so we can hold onto it.

"Stars and Finches" has been making good progress. I played with some different title ideas, such as "Patterns of Ink", but apparently some people have run a blog since 2004 using that name, so it seems wrong to take it. I also considered "The Taste of Ink", but it turns out that there's a song called that, and I didn't want people to think my story was based off that song.

So after some thought, I ended up with the title "The Worth of Ink". I'm not completely certain if it will stick yet, but I feel a bit better having a relevant, solid title that I can refer to my book with. About time!