Saturday, June 24, 2017

Apples and Betrayals

Anne, Jeff, and Greg came over this morning so we could watch them while Matt and Sam attended the temple. Greg slept the whole time, and Anne mostly played with Preston. Mom and I kept Jeff entertained with a cheap I-Spy book for a long time. He liked that. Later, he also found a grape that he seemed to think was a bouncy ball. I think he liked that too.

We played Disney Apples to Apples together; specifically, Anne was on my team and we played against Stockton, Preston, and Mom. The Disney version is nice because it has pictures, which kept Anne's attention, although sometimes she wanted to vote for which picture she liked best, regardless of the adjective we were supposed to be judging for.

Jorja went to a friend's house tonight, and Mom, Dad, and Preston played Betrayal at House on a Hill again. I sat nearby with my laptop so I could do some writing, but still listen in. It worked out, because I was able to help Mom when she turned out to be the traitor again (Zombie Lord, this time). She ended up turning the other players into zombies and winning the game, so she was pretty happy about that.