Friday, June 9, 2017


Today we all had an eye appointment. Mom was worried the lack of sleep would interfere with our tests, and I don't have an answer there. I do know that Dad and I both picked out cool glasses with magnetic sunglass lens attachments. It'll be neat when those come in the mail.

Last night, I was thirty crowns short of the 1,2000 required to unlock the Chelsea Court location in Wizard 101. Today I had the chance to score them, and Preston also showed me his new pet. He'd won it during a fight with a dungeon boss, but it had an eleven-hour hatch time and he refused to tell me what it was until the timer was up. Of all the days for that to happen, stay-up-all-night night...! The pet turned out to be a crocodile mummy, and he's pretty pleased with himself.

We headed out to Lagoon tonight in the motor home. I hope I get some good rest, because the family reunion tomorrow promises to be a busy day!