Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dinner at the Market

My day was long and busy, full of my usual classes and several other things. I picked up our mail for the first time since we moved in. I've been meaning to do that for weeks, but kept putting it off because I kept forgetting. Demetria and I live on the top floor and the mail boxes are some ways away from our building. The key to our mailbox is very small and could be easily lost, so I never really wanted to take it with me on my way to classes, and never wanted to go back down after returning to Blue Square. Demetria pointed out that probably no one would be mailing us things anyway.

So I picked up the mail today because I knew I'd be getting birthday cards. I got one from each of my grandpas, so that was nice. Papa's money is all on a Walmart giftcard, so I'll need to think of something to buy with it since Walmart isn't normally where I get my groceries. I could either buy dozens of mini-muffins, or maybe poke around in search of a DS game or something frivolous. 

Otherwise, we had quite the impressive stack of newspaper and magazine advert things to comb through. We saved a few coupons and dumped the rest. I like being able to magnet coupons to our fridge - it's been years since I lived with a magnetic fridge - but we only have two or three magnets, so sometimes these things end up on my desk and take up annoying space. We also had some envelopes addressed to people we can only assume were the previous residents of our room.

I went to the SI session tonight for my psychology class. It wasn't too bad. It helped to have only seven people my age there instead of an entire classroom full of older people, and I think I understand the terms for our differential reinforcement unit better now. This was supposed to be a study session for our Friday quiz and in my psychology class our quizzes are open-note, but I'm glad I went, because I think it helped.

I still have several free meals on my meal plan card, so straight after SI I walked over to the TSC and treated Demetria to a birthday lunch up at the Aggie Marketplace buffet, since she hadn't eaten there yet. She turns twenty-one tomorrow. The Marketplace's spaghetti tastes a lot better than mine. Good to know. I also had a delicious cupcake in addition to the other things I ate. Bit of a splurging week for me on food, what with my birthday and all.

We talked a lot both after we'd finished eating and after we'd returned to our room, and ended the night by finishing up the second "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. 

It was a long day, but I'm loving having the lighter days interspersed throughout my week. Demetria keeps reminding me that we actually do get to have Fall Break, which almost seems odd to me, since I feel like I'm going to very little school at all. It's nice how even on my heavy days, I get an hour break after my rat lab, a two-hour lunch break, and then a one-hour Institute class followed by another hour-long break after that.