Monday, October 17, 2016

Rain and Pumpkins

It's been a rainy couple of days. There are so many 

My chocolate class today was cancelled since my instructor wasn't going to be in town and she didn't want a substitute to be the one to introduce us to the new unit. I took advantage of that free time to enjoy a shower and giving my hair plenty of time to dry before I dressed. Since I felt up to it, I went to SI for my behavior class tonight. It turned out not to be the most productive session, but maybe it still helped me.

Demetria and I went to the pumpkin carving activity for Home Evening tonight. The people in charge of the annual pumpkin walk donated these pumpkins to our ward, so we left our pumpkin there and it will be in this year's pumpkin walk.

Mine and Demetria's Jack Skellington pumpkin

Some honorable mentions:

Demetria taught me how to sew the button back onto my pajama shirt, and that was really cool. Achievement Unlocked: Infinite Clothes and Immortal Stuffed Animals!

Then we watched the Disney "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" short and the Buster Keaton short "Cops" before bed. Ichabod Crane had a very good personality, I thought. Mostly because he was a superstitious and egg-headed glutton whose main motivation for courting his love interest was to win her money. Wasn't expecting that from a Disney protagonist. Nor the ending. That was quite the plot twist ending for a title character. Huh.