Monday, February 20, 2017

But It's Okay He's Fine He Becomes Nightwing Somehow

So the main reason I came home this three-day weekend was because I had a dentist appointment scheduled. The dentist is a childhood friend of my dad's, and he likes to be kept updated about my life a lot of the time. They have little TV screens on the ceiling there so you can watch something while they work on your teeth, so after I had some x-rays taken, I got to see the latter half of "Zootopia".

Not too long after we came home, those of us who could come went out to see "Lego Batman". It was good, but not super amazing, I thought- I preferred the two movies I had last come to see: "Moana" and "Sing". There were some interesting concepts in it though, and lots of good quotes. Demetria has been excited for it, and I wasn't sure if she'd see it before I got another chance to, so I wanted to go. I'd heard it was good. Plus, it gave me something nice to do with my family.

After the movie was over, we went to OHOP for crepes. They're my favorite place to get crepes, and I had one of their nutella ones- so chocolate and bananas again. We were all hungry, and got in and out of there pretty quickly.

Shortly after our return, I finished packing up my things and said good-bye for another few weeks. Mom took me back to USU in the Jeep. Luckily, we didn't have any problems this time. She bought me another Little Caeser's pizza, and we went to Lee's to do a bit more grocery shopping- specifically, Mom wanted to get more of the peanut butter stuff she likes and some bananas, and we also grabbed a few things for me, like Peeps (since we couldn't find any more bags of just red and purple Mini Cewy SweeTarts) and small pizzas I can cook in my apartment if I want to.

I said good-bye to her again, unpacked, did dishes, and relaxed for the evening by turning on my automatic abnormal psych vocabulary flashcards and doing some drawing. Our test is on Thursday, and I hope I'm ready! I'm feeling pretty confident.

Since we'd seen "Lego Batman" today and I'm not very DC-savvy, I looked up some information about Robin, trying to gauge how close the movie had matched his origin story and personality. Apparently, Robin's story is a very difficult one to understand (one of those "you had to be there" things), and there have been like four Robins in DC history. In-universe, it seems, the name of Robin is donned on occasion, even by a girl once or twice.

The Robin from the movie today - Dick Grayson - is the first, and if I understand this tangled web of stories, retcons, and continuity reboots correctly, he eventually gets murdered by the Joker while he's still just a kid. Oh.