Tuesday, February 7, 2017

They're Called Hunter's Flame, Right?

Well, it snowed again this morning! Very wet snow, all throughout the day.

I got my test back in stats today. I missed two points because I did an interval graph instead of an ordinal one: Apparently, a scale of 1-10 counts as interval, even if it's an order of rank. Ah. Well, 48 out of 50 isn't bad. Still a 96%. If I keep this up, I can get an A in this class. The annoying thing is, a chunk of our grade is determined by i>Clicker results. Most days we answer two questions in class, and most days I get both right. Recently I got one out of two right, as well as zero out of one. That hurt me a bit, but I should be able to recover as the semester goes on.

I came home to rest and work on my online math assignments until it was time for abnormal psych. We had an interesting day of talking about phobias and exposure therapy. Also, I came in about a minute late while my teacher was talking about only counting four of the five tests. I guess you only need a certain number of points in his class (though since I came in late, I'm not sure if he meant to get an A or merely to pass). This information was probably covered in the syllabus, but I forgot.

Anyway, hopefully between that and the extra credit, I'll get an A here too (I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I've been doing a survey every morning and evening with about six question on mood and state of mind or something. I'm in the control group, I guess, and this should earn me one or two of the four extra credit points I'm allowed to earn).

I came home to straighten up, sweep, and vacuum before my home teachers arrived. We chatted a bit and they shared a message, and then they asked me if my apartment had been dedicated. I didn't remember if it ever had been, so we knelt down and said a prayer.

Demetria returned shortly after they left, and the RA arrived soon enough to make her rounds and collect our signatures. Aha, I was right with the timing! I talked to her about visiting teaching. She was kind of excited when I said I had a card for her, and said she didn't mind being on the list and that she would love to get our [the Church's] stuff. She became a little less enthusiastic when she found out it was for visiting teaching. She said she's inactive right now, and asked me to contact her companion, noting that it would probably best to take her off the list "so she doesn't disappoint anyone". I promised her I'd contact the coordinator, though she hasn't gotten back to me at all since Sunday. Maybe I'll stay after church and talk with her.

After dinner (I had spaghetti), Demetria and I watched some "Star vs. The Forces of Evil". I did some drawing later as well. One of my friends had asked me if I liked any of the canon "Danny Phantom" pairings, so here are Skulker and Ember, because they're unique and deserve my attention:

This song was playing on the shuttle today

I've never been big on romance in media, but I tend to go for the weird background couples. Ember died because her crush asked her out and then stood her up, and after waiting for him all night she went home, fell asleep, and never noticed the house fire that killed her, so I'm glad she found someone as loyal and dedicated to a target as the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter!