Sunday, February 19, 2017

Dominating Settlers

I'm used to 9:30 church, but my family have 1:00 church this year. That made for a long, relaxing morning. I tried to work on homework, and did some drawing too. Mom and Dad were asked to speak next week... in ward conference. It's too bad I have to miss that!

People were very excited to see me in relief society, and were typically disappointed that I was only staying for the weekend. It's funny how no one was ever excited about my existence in young women's. I do enjoy being with the adults.

Tonight, the Hodsons came over to play games. The only one I played was Settlers of Catan, and I totally dominated it. It helped that I had access to every resource to start with, and also that 8 was rolled many times throughout the game, and so was 3 (of all things). Melissa was disappointed her 6 didn't pay off.

The last two points are from me being two cities on the same turn,
as you can tell from my cards there. It all came down to whether I
rolled a 7 or not. I'd have to lose lots of cards if I rolled a 7.

Anyway, I was able to get a city by the second turn, and then I just kept gaining resources. The robber got me a few times (because when an 8 was rolled, I was getting six cards a turn). Eventually I built a few cities and had the Longest Road. Victory was mine! It didn't seem like a very long game, and I was victorious, so that was nice!