Saturday, August 5, 2017

Avocado Oil

I spent the day writing and reading, alternating between sitting on the beanbag in the computer room or being on my bed with my laptop. Dad and Jorja made homemade lasagna for dinner tonight. I think they had fun with that.

Jorja and Stockton made brownies later too. I was in the kitchen with my laptop while Stockton and Jorja debated whether or not avocado oil could be substituted for vegetable oil (avocados, after all, are not vegetables). I looked it up and found that yes, it can be substituted, but apparently not for baked goods. It's an expensive sort of oil, said the Internet, and shouldn't be used in large quantities like that. I don't know what they substituted for the vegetable oil - I think it might have been applesauce - but they did eventually get their brownies made.

In other news, the house's air conditioning stopped working today. I've spent the last two months thinking the house was ridiculously cold and how I shouldn't be freezing underneath three layers of blankets in my bedroom, so I enjoyed it. Hopefully the temperatures stay livable, though. It's funny how hot the inside of a closed house can get even with the roof and curtains blocking out the sun.