Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Game Guy

Woke up to find this taped to the fridge door:

It would seem a nearly-full gallon of milk was left out all night. I did hear Stockton and Jorja laughing downstairs late into the night, and Jorja usually comes upstairs to get midnight snacks and drinks. Lovely.

But in other news, my throat has cleared up a lot! I might be all better by tomorrow. That would be great. Stockton and I reminisced about our childhood for a bit this morning, so Preston and I played some Mario Party 3. That's one of my favorites of the Mario Party series, along with 8 and DS. We played Waluigi Island, and I scored a nice come-from-behind victory by gaining the Coin Star and Happening Star bonuses. I landed on a lot of Happening spaces that game and frequently lost huge amounts of coins, all the way down to zero. I guess the ends justify the means.

I also played Preston on two Dual maps. Mario Party 3 is unique with its special dualing style, because you don't battle for stars. Instead, you get partners (such as Koopa, Boo, Chain Chomp) who stand either in front or behind you and attack your opponent depending on the direction you're moving. You pay them a salary of coins each turn, and if you can't afford them, they disappear and leave you vulnerable to your opponent, and unable to attack. This was a little before Preston's time and he doesn't have old memories of it, but he loved it. Stockton worked on a homework assignment about The Lorax while he watched us, and read us some of the sillier questions.

One thing that stood out about the first Dual map we played, Blowhard, was how many Game Guy spaces there were. I remember when we were little, we thought Game Guy was awesome because we usually came away with so many coins. Now that we're older, we can more clearly see the risks associated with his space. He drains you of all your coins and forces you to play one of his minigames- the majority of which are based entirely on luck. Scary. But the payout can be huge when you win. I had my 92 coins doubled to 184, and then those were later doubled to 368. It was quite hilarious to see Game Guy present me with this prize all at once with a +368 floating over my head. Preston was amazed. We had fun, but the sheer amount of Game Guys was exhausting.

We played Pipesqueak next. Fewer Game Guys there, and lots of warp pipes and reverse tiles. I won again. In both games, I landed on a Happening space that turned all of Preston's spaces into mine. Mine filled the board. Every time Preston moved, about seven turns in a row, he landed on my spaces and had to pay me between 8 and 10 coins. It was pretty funny. For me. Not so much for him. He's a good sport.

Jorja went to a movie with a friend tonight, and Dad and Stockton went bowling. I'd planned to go with them, but elected to stay behind and catch up on my blog instead. And, I called Mom and we talked about our Gone With the Wind chapter for the day. It was a busy day... but a fun one for sure!