Monday, November 28, 2016

My Phone Is Afraid of Snow

We had the first decent snow of the season today. I'm glad I remembered to look out the window before I headed out, or I wouldn't have thought to put on boots. They're Jorja's old boots, but they fit me well.

I made it to my behavior class. After I sat down in my seat, my glasses broke. I didn't do anything to them- all I did was open the case and pick them up. But one of the lenses slipped out. I kept it and the tiny screw, which fortunately stayed in the glasses, and shut them both back in the glasses case until I can have them fixed. Of course, Mom just went home with my other pair of glasses in the car! I made it through the rest of the day, though. I sit in the front row in all my classes. I guess I didn't need my glasses after all.

Horticulture was... interesting, to say the least. Apparently, our old teacher isn't coming back. Instead, someone else - I think he's the old man from down in the greenhouse on the day we planted our cuttings - will be teaching us the remaining chapters we need to know to prepare for the final. It was a smidgen painful. He kept saying over and over, "I don't know about anything you've covered up until this point in the semester. I only know these units I'm teaching". And, "Who wants to tell me what an AN-YOU-UHL is?" 

Drat, man, I dunno! If only we'd been covering that since the third day of class! Maybe you should pronounce each of its syllables again so I can remember how to say the word for when I look it up.

It was mostly amusing, though. He made a big deal about how he'll set our papers back by the door so we can grab them as we come in (or I can get up and fetch mine since I have two classes in a row in this room) and that anyone late can pick them up without disturbing the class. Every time someone came in late, he immediately stopped what he was teaching and loudly instructed them, usually by the name of their shirt color, to go back and get a paper. And someone moved his chair, so then he made a big deal about how it needs to stay where he put it. 

Well. I guess it's just the first day. My neighbor and I got small chuckles out of it. Mostly because she saw me making exasperated hand signs, like upturning my partially-clenched hands or covering my face with my fingers or hat.

I'm somewhat bothered about it since I was kind of hoping to talk to my teacher about why I only scored a 90% on my garden project, and I also wanted to ask how I could keep deer from killing my little crabapple red back home. I'll have to e-mail him. Lavender is supposed to help, or things that smell strongly of humans. I hope those red weedy suckers got pulled out before the snows come.

Demetria still didn't seem to be home when I came back to my room for lunch. Hmm. Monday is her light day, and she just barely had that big opera production. Perhaps she didn't have classes, or at least could afford to skip them.

So, I enjoyed my time without her. I remembered to turn in my essay questions for Institute, finally. On my way across campus, I stopped by the student orientation office and asked if they knew a place on campus or in town where I could get my glasses fixed. They didn't, and looking back on it it was pretty silly to ask them instead of Googling a place myself. All I need is to have the screw tightened, but I don't think I have a screwdriver small enough to do that.

We had our final lecture for chocolate class, apparently. Only two weeks left until we take the final. Yikes! I need to study hard. I'm thinking of rewriting most of my notes. I think the action of writing again will help me remember things, and if I type them then I can easily rearrange them and add definitions for words that are difficult for me and pictures of chemical structures. She gives no extra credit and my grade isn't the best, but if I do very well on the final then that's everything.

I wasn't hungry, so although I normally go to the Marketplace before SI, I went to the library to study instead. SI went okay, although we divided into two teams for review and the other team was a lot better than us. I was basically trying to carry the other five people, with the occasional comment from one of the others. I felt pressured to answer fast since I felt the weight of the team on my shoulders, and I mixed up a lot of terms. It was kind of embarrassing. I also had a difficult time sleeping last night, which may possibly be why. Sometimes we had to get up and run to the board and I had to squeeze down the row past several of my teammates. Also, for one of the bonus questions, I didn't know Hermione's middle name, so yeah.

No sign of Demetria when I finally made it back to my room, late. My groupmates from the rat lab e-mailed me back since some of them were missing data too, so we've been communicating. That took a good number of minutes of flipping through papers and typing up long strings of numbers, and I was starting to get exhausted from my long day of school work, so I called it quits on work for the day and let myself watch a few Smurfs episodes and draw. That was fun. The other Smurfs told Greedy he was too heavy after he broke their swing and splashed all the water from their watering hole, and he went crying to Papa Smurf. They had a talk about health.

It was a lot funnier than it sounds in my typing, because you guys didn't get to see Hefty leaning casually against the window and sniffing, "You'd better put him on a diet, Papa Smurf". Savage. I also watched an episode where Gargamel's godfather had this gun, which he referred to as "The magic wand of the future" (Awesome line, by the way). He shot the little duckling that thought Smurfette was its mother, and it died with a squealing quack of agony. That was uncharacteristically violent.

I got a text from Demetria that said she'd be home around 1:30 in the morning. Hooray, she was not dead! I stayed up to see her in case she needed help settling in or carrying bags. I guess she had it covered, but she stumbled straight to her room and fell asleep quickly, I think. So I locked the apartment door like we do and headed for bed. However, as I was picking up my phone so I could read a few scriptures before I went to sleep, it completely died. The apps started being slow to load, and then the screen went blank.

What? That was weird. I tried multiple times to hold down the power button. Nothing happened. It was completely and utterly dead. With a full battery!

Growing concerned now, I thought that maybe it had become overheated. Having the heaters on had made my room awfully warm. I took off its case, which was pretty smeared with gunk since I almost never do that, and cleaned it while I let the phone sit. Still nothing. I read a few scriptures from my physical copy. Still nothing. Hmm.

I decided to let it rest for the night, since it was late and I was tired. At least I don't have class until 3:00 in the afternoon tomorrow, so I could afford to stay up a little.

It's actually the following morning as I'm typing this (I recovered my snowy picture up there!), and I Googled what to do if an iPhone shuts down without an obvious reason. One of the suggestions was to hold down both the home button and the power button to perform a reset equivalent to removing and replacing the battery. I did, and everything seems to be in working order once again. Well, that was worrysome.