Monday, November 7, 2016

Working For Those Grades

My observations from my propagation lab in horticulture were due today. It will be at least a week before I hear how I did, but hopefully I did fine. And, my teacher fixed those incorrect questions from his quiz, so I received +6 points to my score. Nice.

Additionally, I scored 100% on my behavior analysis quiz today. I told Mom about these things on my way home, because I knows she worries about my grades and thought she'd be glad to hear it.

We talked about my class schedule for the upcoming term. It's almost time to register. We agreed to pick up the conversation after my last two classes of the day.

After Institute, as I was walking to my chocolate class, I was struck with an idea for my "Stars and Finches" story. I've been wrestling with this idea for about three years now (although it's been shoved into the corner for long periods of time in order to deal with school, so the actual time spent on it comes out to be a lot less). Ethel's motivation for accompanying Gavin across Sikhoria made sense in the first several drafts of the story, but not when I re-hauled the entire thing and started over.

No motivation for one of the major characters to leave her house of course made for no story. But I think I accidentally solved my problem. I'll be excited for it to be winter break when I can work on planning out this story with no school obligations to get in my way. Maybe I'll even give it a real title. It's kind of ridiculous that I'm still referring to it by that dumb nickname after all these years.

After chocolate class, I swung by the Aggie Marketplace to fill myself before I began fasting, since I'd missed Fast Sunday. I figured that I would rather fast on a day I don't move around much then a day when I'm out and about burning energy. I'll eat again sometime after my lifespan development class tomorrow.

I talked to Mom about scheduling things for a long while. The system is kind of complicated. My plan is to see the kids at the library again since we were told in Connections that they could help us with the "scheduling in advance and then uploading your saved schedule in mere seconds" system. Hopefully things work out.

The RA swung by to see me about ten minutes after we'd finished talking. She does this once a month I think to make sure no one has moved out of our apartment without permission/paperwork, and no one has moved in that shouldn't have. She asked me what I was studying. I said psychology, and mentioned my behavior analysis class when she asked which psych clashes I was taking this year.

She got excited and asked, "With the rats?" I said yes. She said that if I took the pigeon class next year, we would probably be in the same one. Even though we would probably not end up in the same Wave, and then not in the same group, I went inwardly rigid. The RA is not my favorite person. It might have something to do with the fact that she told us and regularly reminds everyone that she doesn't attend any form of church (as if we couldn't have guessed from her nose rings). She's a very blonde cheerleader type who used a picture of her hugging football players to first introduce us to her a few months back. Perhaps that warped my perceptions.

Anyway, the RA spent a few minutes telling me about how she hated the teacher who had worked with her in the lab because she was a graduate and didn't seem to know what she was doing. Maybe you shouldn't gossip with the student taking the class with her those types of things? I finally distracted her by telling her about one of the posters by the elevator. It's an announcement for people to attend a meeting at the 1st Stake that would divide. So, from back in August. Also, it's the wrong stake (See also, "My Ward Uses Plastic Cups").

She reminded me again (twice) about how she doesn't know these things because she doesn't go to church. Yes, I got that.

I ended my day with some textbook reading (or reading an assigned narrative for my class, anyway). I made it through the last three chapters I needed to, but apparently that drained all my energy. It's actually morning of the following day as I'm typing this. The book made it on my nightstand, but I placed the bookmark on top of it and fell asleep with my lamp still on. Whoops.

Luckily I had already said my prayers and brushed my teeth and everything. I woke up around three to find the lamp glaring down at me, switched it off, and promptly fell asleep again.