Thursday, November 10, 2016

Shopping: An Hour-Long Excursion at Minimum

I went shopping today- my first time going without Demetria. I rode the bus down to Lee's, was in there for just a few minutes to grab Pop Tarts, a gallon of milk, and two large rolls of paper towels (I bumped the lowest roll I could reach and it and the one on top of it fell into my hands while an employee watched- it was funny), paid of course, and went out to wait on the bench for the bus to cycle around again. Even that quick trip took an hour from the time I left my room to the time I got back, but it had to be done.

Of course, me being not quite as smart as I would like to believe, did not pull the yellow cord to request for the bus to stop at Lee's on my way down. I was quite surprised when it didn't pull over. I had been made to believe that the bus stopped at certain locations automatically as part of its route, and had assumed the grocery store was one of them. That was the first time I had ever seen it go past Lee's. I guess previous times I haven't pulled the cord, maybe there have always been people waiting there to get on? I ended up getting off at the next stop, Lowe's, which wasn't far but was a bit of a walk. Next time I'll be smarter.

I went to my lifespan development class, which went fine, and finished reading my chocolate book today. Yes! Now all that's left to do is right an essay about it. I need to pick a topic.

I got to do a bit of writing tonight too. Rich guy is buying his son an entire flying merchant ship for his birthday... Made of lightweight metal, of course, since wood would rot in the water vapor of the clouds, I think.