Monday, January 23, 2017

And a Trashcan Video

I'm glad Demetria and I went shopping on Saturday. Mom called today to inform me that Utah State had put out a "Code Blue" and school would be starting at 10:30 today due to the snow and the roads that needed to be plowed. Apparently Dad is listed as the contact number in cases like this, although I still get e-mails. The e-mail from my English teacher said we would simply have class on Wednesday.

Personally I thought the roads looked clear, but maybe they're too icy.

Last night, Mom and I had been talking about a writing conference in May that Sam had suggested I sign up for. I'd picked out all the workshops I wanted to attend, and Mom did the registering process for me. She needed to do something with a PayPal because the site didn't want to accept her credit card. I think she finally made it work with her debit card. After that, I started killing time until my first class of the day at 1:30.

Around 1:10, I rode the elevator down to the first floor and started out to the bus stop, but hesitated. I texted the bus to see when the next one would be coming. The message I got back said, "No buses on route". Oh. I checked the Stadium stop too, just in case. Same message. 

Now I was worried I'd have to walk up the hill, which would take me fifteen to twenty minutes, not counting the extra few minutes it would take for me to get to my class. Fortunately, I was smart enough to check my e-mail on my phone first. Yep. Classes had been, apparently, cancelled for the whole day.

The weird thing was, I checked my e-mail several times throughout the morning. Except, I have two e-mails and I guess I checked one and not the other. Clearly I need to be more on top of things.

At least I was on top of things for interior design! I uploaded my project today, even though it's not due until Friday. I'm pretty happy with it and I should get a good score.

But for whatever bizarre reason, Canvas was set up so you couldn't upload still pictures for this assignment. You can only link pictures from elsewhere on the Internet, and I wasn't sure I wanted my teacher to view my blog and/or think that I'd stolen my picture from some blogger out there. I reread the syllabus and was about to ask him for advice on how to submit multiple pictures showing progress over time, before I decided to save myself the trouble and just put together a 30-second video slideshow instead, because Canvas said it would accept that type of file. Here is the result:

I think this qualifies for a recycled project about harmony and contrast!

One of the other requirements for this assignment is that I submit a critique on two other projects. Of course, mine is the only project that's been submitted so far. I guess I'll have to check back later.

As for how the rest of my day yet, I did a lot of writing - pushing through that writer's block, yay! - and went over my abnormal psych vocabulary words a bunch of times. Barely a week until that first exam. Boy oh boy.