Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Spaghetti and Corn

Back to the grind today! I was out of here at 9:55 so I'd have plenty of time at the bus stop. I even took the stairs instead of the elevator since I thought it would be faster, the stairs being further along the sidewalk than the elevator is. As I was coming down, I saw the south campus shuttle pull into the stop. Not awesome, especially since Demetria had just told me they stopped running two shuttles at 10:00.

There was no point in trying to run to catch it, so instead of heading up there, I waited a minute and took the purple shuttle up to the TSC instead. As I stepped off, the second south campus bus pulled away from its stop, so I guess it was headed towards the stop where I would have gotten on anyway. Well. My options were to wait ten minutes for the next shuttle to come by, or start walking.

Figuring that this was as good a day as any to calculate how long it took to walk all the way to the fine arts building, I set off. I think it's literally the furthest building away on campus, but I made it there in about ten minutes. It would have taken the shuttle another ten minutes to drive there after picking me up, since it has to make its stops and wait at lights and such. Plus, they only put old men on the red buses, for some reason, and they tend to be a bit slow.

I still had ten to fifteen minutes before class started, so I pulled out my things and settled down to wait. I brought my Chromebook, and opened up to my Quizlet vocabulary page. As we discussed terms in class, I added them straight in. Much faster than the extra step of copying them to my notebook first, which I did have out in case I wanted to take notes aside from what would make sense for Quizlet.

I rode the red bus back, surprisingly without waiting more than five minutes for it. This time, I'd been smart and brought my debit card with me, so in the TSC I bought ten scantrons for $2.50. I know I'll need at least five (which was how many were in each pack), and thought it might be handy to have others at the ready too. I don't want to show up in class and not have a scantron.

Then I returned to Blue Square. I did a chapter of stats homework while I was there, earning myself a score of 97.6, or something like that, so that's good. After a quick, late lunch, I made my way back up to campus for my abnormal psych class. It was nice, again, to have the Chromebook and Quizlet. I put asterisks next to all the terms and concepts my teacher let slip he planned to test us on.

That was my last class of the day. Schoolwork done, I came home to Blue Square again. Made myself a dinner of spaghetti and corn while I did the dishes. I asked Demetria if we could implement a new system, so I'm going to do all the dishes and she can do her best to keep the counters clear. We'll see how it works out.

After I was done eating, I called Mom to talk to her about the writing conference we were planning for me to attend in the summer- I signed up for a class that said we needed to have one year of experience at that conference before, but after I sent an e-mail requesting that class, they upped the requirements to two years and bumped me out. That was yesterday, and I'd called Mom to talk about it. Today, they had new classes up and Mom and I got me signed up for one I actually could take. That should be fun.

Additionally, just before heading to bed, I found out I received 5/5 points for my Pinterest interior design assignment about focal points. Yay! I understood correctly! Glad I'm starting off strong.