Sunday, January 8, 2017

Eve of the Spring Battle

So I was greeted with this text this morning:

It was 25 degrees out, which is a LOT warmer than -13. The girl who was walking down the sidewalk in front of me was wearing high heels. Probably not what you'd most want to wear in this weather. She did have tights, but still. 

I did bring a blanket (the flower one Brett and Rachel's family gave me), but it looked as though I was one of the only two people who did. Ah, well. I refuse to feel embarrassed for following the instructions I was given. I had warm legs.

I forgot, as I usually do, that today was Fast Sunday, so I'll have to find the time next week to do so. I bore my testimony, about the 52 Sundays drawing project I did last year, drawing a scripture character every week. We had some cool stories shared both over the pulpit and in our classes. The kid teaching gospel doctrine told us that one of his ancestors was a body guard for Joseph Smith. That would be pretty neat, knowing your several-greats grandfather always defended the prophet- literally.

I indexed some names today while I drank a protein shake and ran my laundry, and generally just enjoyed my final day before I return to school. I'm excited because I found my green pencil sharpener! I knew I had a back-up somewhere! It's slightly less good than my purple one, but it will do the job. 

And tonight I went back to the church to hear the young adults devotional broadcast given by Russell M. Nelson, so that was enjoyable. Actually the satellite "stopped working" or something of the sort, so we had to move down the hill to the next church. But it worked out. Although, only once I was there did I wonder if the broadcast was airing on the TV, and if I could have watched it in my apartment. Because the text told us it would be playing at the church with no mention of TV, the thought didn't even cross my mind. Ah, well. I got some good exercise and it wasn't too cold out.

I spent the rest of my evening preparing for school tomorrow (plus I went back to the church for ward prayer so I could get some cake). I tried to print out my schedule (except I forgot my printer stopped working on one of the last days of last semester, so it didn't work), double-checked my class times and my campus map, and copied over all syllabus information that looks important, such as e-mails, office hours, office locations, and policies. Here we go!

Just for fun, here are some more of my sketches. These ones were done in pen and completely from memory, which I think is pretty neat. I can't help myself. I love this undead pirate child.