Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Red Bus, Black Sheep

I gave myself enough time to get to class today, except I made a "mistake" at the crosswalk. The light for the cars turned red, but the crosswalk light didn't come on, so I didn't cross. Of course, the red bus rolled in while I was stuck on the opposite side of the road, and left just before I reached it. After statistics class, it was supposedly five minutes away, so I waited for it instead of walking to the TSC. Midway through its route, it turned around without explanation and went the other way, so we had to wait for the next one to arrive. Oh, red bus, how I love thee so.

Actually, it was funny because I'd left my phone back at Blue Square (Another girl was tracking the bus for us as we all waited). I had my Chromebook balanced on my right arm and Google Docs open, and I got a surprising amount of writing done just tapping away with my left hand. Ten minutes, at least. Left it out while I rode the bus too, which was another ten minutes to the TSC, and then another ten since the teal bus makes such a huge loop. Got to make time where you can! ... I was actually planning to do the Quizlet matching game on my phone with some vocab words, but since I had neither it nor the computer mouse on hand, I went with that option instead. Starting tomorrow I'll be studying in these little pockets of free time.

Abnormal psych went well today too. I am enjoying the class, and hopefully I do well on the tests. I studied my abnormal psych vocabulary words for awhile this afternoon, as well as read a chapter from my math book and completed an online assignment (Took me awhile, but I got 100%!) Additionally, someone else uploaded their interior design project, so I had the chance to post a reply on his piece. One down, one to go! I wonder how he figured out how to get those still images uploaded. Hmm.

I also got in contact with the second girl Demetria and I are supposed to visit teach, but she just moved out of the ward this semester. Whoops. We're clearly on top of things over here, aren't we?

Oh yeah, and I colored a drawing of mine tonight while I listened to my vocabulary word flashcards some more, because that sounded more productive than coloring it while listening to music or audiobooks I've heard dozens of times:

Oh look, it's the quillguin

Nothing to see here, just a joke about how my life is getting to the ridiculous point where the only romance I can stand in writing is the romance I write myself. Mostly because I prefer awkwardness to situations that are "near-perfect". Botched dates that were well-intentioned, irritated little kids who don't want a new mom in their lives, nervous forty-four-year-olds who have never been good at this emotional dribble-drabble trying to express their feelings for the first time, tensions that rise because each of the pair has quirks and wants that the other is trying really hard to turn a blind eye to or find a compromise for somewhere between... Come on, other authors out there, step it up a notch! Or rather, cut back. Take it slow. Seriously. I've read too many characters moving together too ridiculously fast.

And I especially like characters who respect one another and truly want the other to be happy, even if that means they let their crush drift on to another (*cough* especially if they haven't made a move on him even if they feel entitled to him because main character points *cough*) since they see how happy he is with someone else, and they care about his feelings.

No, Sam's emotionally abusive and manipulative treatment of Danny and Valerie in the "Flirting With Disaster" episode of "Danny Phantom" (as one completely random example) didn't absolutely infuriate and pretty deeply ruin her character for me, why would you say that?