Thursday, January 5, 2017

Flecks and Feathers

Well, last night I started a piece that I really wanted to have done for today, so I finished it up this morning. I do a lot of fanart, but that doesn't make my original characters less important to me. For their third anniversary, here are Gavin and Ethel showing their new clothes in color for the first time.

"Don't act so nervous- it makes your feathers prickle up."

She's going to bump his chin with her knuckles. His face has "Don't kill me" written all over it. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, and I think I finally have designs I'm sticking with for the actual story. I'm not going to describe every bit of their outfits to the reader, of course, like "The lower half of Gavin's vest curved towards the back and was striped" or something. But when they get dressed for the day, I can mention how his vest thing has latches and hers has pink ties. I came up with their clothing entirely by myself and I think I did a good job. Not the simplistic designs you would see in cartoons, but something that should suit my needs just swell.

As far as writing goes, I did work on their story some today. I've pretty much completed the building of their world. There are a few last tweaks to polish up with the magic system and plot, but I should have enough under my belt to get back to writing their story. Maybe this time I'll end up with a first draft I'm happy with. I'm loving these designs right now, which is a good sign that I'll work carefully so I can keep them and not have to scrap all that I have and start again!

And I had a breakthrough that I could watch shows on my Chromebook while I used my desktop computer at the same time. So I watched a lot of "Danny Phantom" episodes today while I drew and stuff. Oh, and around 4:00 a guy came in to replace the smoke detector, which stopped its beeping! Success! I ought to be able to sleep a little better tonight than before, methinks.