Friday, January 20, 2017

Urban Legend Research

My day was a simple one. I woke up and went to the library for English class. We were split into groups to gather research for a project we'll be doing for the next week on urban legends. My group was a assigned to discuss MKUltra which, against all odds, is both an urban legend and a true story. Go figure. Better than Bigfoot, Slenderman, or Bloody Mary, though.

After returning home, I took a bit of a break before doing laundry, and finally getting down to business with homework. I gathered all the Pins I needed on Pinterest for my interior design board about contrast, finished writing my article summaries for English and, after some time spent studying vocabulary words, took a statistics quiz. 

11 out of 12 on a quiz isn't bad, except for the fact that the question I got wrong was one I specifically picked a different answer for because this was my retake, and in my previous attempt at the quiz, there was a very similar question where the answer I'd picked was wrong. But it was right in this question in the second attempt, if that makes any sense. I think I'll bring that up with my teacher, because I have no idea what part of it is wrong and how I can tell the difference between them for future reference.

My homework is all done for the weekend! Well, except for two things. Three, if you count studying. I want to read Chapter 4 of my statistics book, and I have six days to do that "refurbish or recycle" project for interior design. The directions are kind of unclear, but I think if I recycle something into a decoration for my room and make it look pretty and/or make it more functional, I should be good. 

So I still need to decide how I want to do that. I wanted to call Dad and talk to him, but I forgot and I think he's up at the cabin and probably out of range now. I suppose I can use my Pinterest board to search for ideas. I just have to make sure not to copy anything I see too closely, because that counts as plagiarism and if any of my teachers are familiar with Pinterest, this one's probably the guy who'd call me on it. I might glance through some things for ideas, such as "I'll make a lamp!" or "I'll make a pencil holder!", but I definitely won't mimic exactly.

I got some writing done tonight. Six pages worth of a new short story project, which isn't bad. I've been suffering writer's block with some other works of mine, but this one flows very naturally. I'm writing a character with a very heavy speech pattern- not an accent, just a sort of rapid, rambling, childish way of talking that consists of a lot of rhetorical questions directed loosely at the reader. It was a good day to relax, though I'll have to get back to studying tomorrow. I want to keep myself always at the ready!