Wednesday, March 29, 2017

All the Wednesday Classes

As usual, Wednesday was a busy one, but I had the opportunity to attend all my classes today! First was English class, which I actually had today. After that, I crossed campus to attend my stats lab, and caught up on some blog posts.

Then it was time for my career class. Unfortunately, I forgot until it was almost too late that people with my last name were meeting in the library lab today. I hurried over there as fast as I could, and luckily I was only a minute late. We reviewed how to use the online article locator tool for articles in the psychology database. One thing the librarian said intrigued me: she could get me articles for free that I would otherwise have to pay for. The need to pay for articles is a problem I've run into when doing worldbuilding research for my stories, and of course always turned the articles away. I'll have to ask her if she can request those articles for me in the future.

I ate muffins and tried to make the most of my short break before interior design. In that class, we discussed different types of dwellings, such as cob, and watched an interesting video about a man building a giant cob house. I still need to finalize the houses in "Stars and Finches" (all I know so far is that almost all of them are made of wood, except those of a few rich snobs). It's nice to be exposed to interesting things like this that I may not have thought to look up on my own.

Finally I grabbed lunch-slash-dinner. We talked about Jesus and miracles in Institute. It was still light out when we were done and the weather was nice, so I walked home and mostly relaxed in the evening. Another Wednesday down!