Sunday, March 12, 2017

E Double G-S Eggs

Daylight savings was today! I hate losing an hour, but it should be nice for the evening light to last a little longer- it's been getting dark so early.

My dad was nice enough to make crepes for breakfast! And we colored Easter eggs. Nice way to spend a Sunday morning!

15 eggs

Many eggs

Mom gave a talk in church today that was pretty cool, about obedience and keeping the Sabbath Day holy. She spoke about Jesus spitting in the dirt and rubbing the mud in the eyes of a blind man who had asked for a coin, and how in our lives it's important to be humble like the beggar, and not call it quits on religion or life when we don't get the coins we asked for.

We discussed Jesus's birth in Gospel Doctrine, and I had a bit of time at home to rest, eat, and gather my things before Dad drove me up to Blue Square again. I unpacked and settled in to enjoy my last evening of the break. Back to the daily grind tomorrow!