Sunday, March 5, 2017

Munroe, Meet Turner

Okay, so I was able to watch the "Bunsen Is a Beast"/"Fairly OddParents" crossover episode this morning. It wasn't exactly thrilling, but it was cute. Timmy let Mikey make some wishes, and Mikey went a little nuts with it. He seemed to like teleporting more than the wishing thing, actually.

I liked the part when Timmy said, "I like you, kid. You remind me of a younger me" and Mikey just said, "I'm... a grade older than you". I dunno, I just thought it was funny. And a very clever way to use dialogue to confirm Mikey's age for the first time. Additionally, it continues to be fascinating to me that Bunsen is actually really laid-back and wants to appreciate new things in life slowly and one at a time, and it's Mikey who's the constantly over-excitable one. Quite the interesting choice. I like it.

So anyhow, that was my morning. I had breakfast and went to church, of course. We had been told wards wouldn't be combined, but there were few enough people that we did, so I got to be in the big chapel for the first time. We heard so many good testimonies and lessons, I'll have to see if I can remember them all.

One girl talked about how the 2016 New Year had been really hard for her. She wasn't a member, and she was at a party taking drugs and drinking and things. She woke up and realized how unhappy she was. She tried to turn her life around. Visited her dad whom she hadn't seen for nineteen years. Did everything she could to reorganize her life. One of her friends sent the missionaries over. Before she met with them, she paid a visit to the temple, not realizing she couldn't go in yet. But she was able to hang out in the lobby area for a bit, and she said she felt a powerful peace envelop her. She said, "I don't know what this church is or what they teach, but I know it's true and I want to be a part of it", or something close to that.

In our Sunday school lesson, our teacher had someone draw three fish on the board (including one with a mustache, because she was told to draw "an old fish"). Our teacher then told a very quick, two-sentence story that involved the old fish swimming up to the two younger fish and asking them, "So, how's the water, boys?" The two fish were confused and asked what water was. The idea of the lesson was that goodness and the spirit can be all around us. Alternatively, we may not realize how damaging the things around us can be if that's what we grew up with.

She also had a set of binoculars, and had a volunteer use them to look out a window. Of course, if you know anything about the church windows, many have that weird texture on them that makes them impossible to see out of. He opened it, and it's one of those that pulls inward. His binoculars had these big red, tinted lenses on them. He leaned out the window, trying to see. We were all chuckling because it came off as very creepy, which wasn't the point (the point being to use the dials to focus the binoculars), but it was funny.

Another girl had been asked to share for a few minutes her personal story of coming to Utah State. She talked about how she had been inactive for six years, and she was unhappy with her life. While driving through Idaho, she pulled over to the side of the road all of a sudden and prayed for guidance in her life. She felt prompted to call her mom, and did (even though she'd been living away from home for years). After she'd explained how miserable she felt, her mom suggested she come home for awhile. She didn't want to, especially because she was dating this boy.

Of course, her boyfriend was waiting for her when she got back to her place. He told her that they had to talk, and admitted he'd been cheating on her. So, the girl packed up her stuff and headed to her mom's. Shortly after, she felt that she should write a list of qualities she wanted in a guy. She said, "No, I'm not doing that! I just broke up with someone." But she did it anyway, and her list came out to have 93 things. Again, she scoffed. "Okay, so I guess I'll just wait around and magically find some guy with these 93 things."

She was also attending Weber State, but felt prompted to apply for Utah State. As she had before, she scoffed at the notion. "There's no way I'm going to Utah State". But did it anyway, and was accepted. She applied for the veterinary program, all the while protesting that she wouldn't get in with her poor GPA and everything. But she did.

So that brings us to today. She's in school doing work she loves, and was recently proposed to by a man she met up here who has *Dun dun dundun* all 93 traits from her list. I thought that was pretty cool. So yeah, today was a great day to be at church and hear these things. Which is too bad for Demetria, who apparently fell asleep again after eating breakfast, so I ended up leaving without her.

This evening, Jen started watching "Bunsen Is a Beast" and liveblogging it through the chat. I watched the first half of the pilot with her so I could try to keep up, and she's still going right now as I bring this post to a close. This is all you really need to know: