Monday, March 27, 2017

Frogs and Streams

So, my English class was cancelled yet again because my teacher got sick. That was pretty nice, and I stayed in pajamas this morning. Unfortunately, in all the excitement there I forgot I wanted to talk to my old behavioral analysis teacher during his office hours and ask about the rat lab. I guess I'll need to write him an e-mail instead.

My career class was cancelled as well, because we were having two library days, and with my last name being in the latter half of the alphabet, I was assigned the second day. Shame, because it would have been great to get it down now and have a lighter Wednesday.

I did go to interior design class, and we discussed light and the way it reflects off surfaces and colors. It was less interesting than it sounds, because I wanted DETAILS about these things. Give me a lesson about which surfaces reflect light and which don't. Don't just say, "Interior designers need to be aware of the way some surfaces reflect" and move on. I can't use "some surface" as a concrete detail in my writing.

I came home and tried to decide what to do next. The frog tank needed to be cleaned, but the sink was full of dirty dishes, and although I have no homework do until Thursday at midnight, I thought I should get started on that. Plans changed, however, because Linzie was hoping for [digital] human interaction, and asked if I wanted her to stream some character designs she's working on, and if I could offer my thoughts as she worked. 

I agreed and set that up on my laptop, and then did the dishes intermittently between offering critiques on heights, clothes, styles of the time period, and personalities. After the dishes were done, I cleaned the frog tank. It's always a long process, because it gets so dirty, especially now that I have three frogs. I've researched ways to regulate algae growth and done my best, but there's still a lot of it even when I clean the tank each week.

It started getting late by the time I was done, so I multitasked while Linzie finished her stream. After we parted ways for the night, I looked at my homework for a bit and then did a few drawings myself. It was a nice, lighter sort of day.