Monday, March 6, 2017


I tried to get some work done on my English assignment today, by which I mean that I tried to work on these article summaries, but kept finding excuses not to get very far on it so that I could fold clothes or eat food or draw this or fact-check that for most of the day, because it's still about two weeks until the assignment is due. More will get done tomorrow, I'm sure.

Disregarding that, it was a pretty slow and simple day, really. It snowed last night. I stayed at home and did laundry and whatever. Got some work done that I wanted to. Talked with my online friends a lot. Our entire group chat normally consists of fairies, ghosts, drawings, and helping one another work out details about headcanons or AU concepts that can be turned into fun relaxation doodles, but right now it's just blooming with "Bunsen Is a Beast" (mostly screenshots of Mikey and Amanda- the former especially) and I'm not upset.

Jen, Linzie, and I pooled some ideas for a darker version of the show after awhile where Bunsen really is dangerous and wants to eat people, but has to pretend he's a sweet little schoolboy in order to keep the rest of his race and family from being slaughtered immediately. Amanda is the only one that knows, but he keeps threatening her to keep her quiet, and he has to keep Mikey around and happy as a guide to the human world because Bunsen's just so clueless about the world otherwise.

Jen started it mainly in jest, but I loved it so I had to contribute manipulative Mikey, since that's hardly a far jump from canon Mikey the passive-aggressive guilt-tripper. In fact, let me see... Ah, here were some of my contributions:

JEN this is perfect. Keep it.

AND THEN OH MAN lemme tell you where Mikey fits in:


The boy who raised himself on psych books, poring over them for hours because he's dyslexic and has ADHD but his parents are so weirdly distant even though they're ALWAYS THERE they just don't know how to raise a kid-

Enter Bunsen, who has no friends. His life crosses paths with the energetic boy who heads the school welcoming committee.

^ This is Mikey in "Mikey Is a Beast" when he guilttrips Bunsen into doing what HE wants even when Bunsen really doesn't want to

... I am literally just understanding this title.

Oh wow it's a double joke.

AU version of "Mikey Is a Beast" (if you stuck to the canon episodes) would definitely involve Bunsen putting his foot down and saying, "ARE YOU CRAZY MIKEY I'm not doing this, I almost died, man!"

And oh, sweet Mikey stops the crocodile tear game and looks this beast up and down. He pulls him aside and props his elbow up on the classroom globe.

"Hey, Bunsen. Have you ever noticed how I am literally the only one on your side right now?"

*Walking his fingers across the globe* You know what, you're right. Never mind, forget it- this is a dumb idea. Hey, I'm going to go hang out with X and Y after school. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Ooh, whatcha gonna do, Bunsen? He doesn't like humans, but he needs a guide. Whatcha gonna do?

Also Mikey, lying on Bunsen's bed with him and staring up at the ceiling: "I just had a daydream that I wasn't your friend anymore and then no one liked you and you were chased out of town and all your people were driven to extinction. Funny, huh? Well, see you tomorrow!"

There were many jokes made about Amanda calling Mikey in the middle of the night begging for his help because she suspects Bunsen is under her bed, and he just grumbles that he'll send his parents' drone over, but she finally convinces him to let her come over to his place for awhile. They're sitting on the couch and talking things out. Amanda is scrolling through pictures on her phone, but they're all blurry and questionable and she can tell Mikey doesn't really believe her as he hands over a glass of lemonade. But he eventually calms her down and says, "Hey, it's okay. Sure, I'll believe you. I'll talk to him about it."

And then Bunsen was right behind them for the last several minutes, so out of nowhere he says, "What did you want to talk to me about?" and Mikey just flips because ohhhhh dang.

Amanda trying to write letters to Mikey because Bunsen can't read English, but they have to communicate through Mikey's number system while Bunsen watches and asks what they're drawing constantly.

This is what my friends and I do in our free time. Alternate universes and drawings everywhere. Spring Break is nice that way. This is why I rarely enjoy sitting down and talking with people in "real life". Because babbling about characters and writing is what I love, and my Internet friends love hearing that stuff, but face to face, people don't. Nor can you pull up screenshots when you talk face to face. I like silly cartoons with dark undertones, and I like sharing such thoughts. It's just the way I am.

Also, I doodled the little dyslexic redhead, because of course I did:

He has a mnemonic involving numbers and colors 
because he struggles with letters and it's very cute

Good job, Mikey. You can now spell "cat". Good job.

Okay, so we are ending up with more "Bunsen Is a Beast" posts on this blog than was my intention. I'm sure it'll blow over once the excitement wears off, but I'm kind of in love with this little psychology-loving jerk right now. He cracks morbid jokes and can lie through his teeth without a tell and he's both terrifying and oddly endearing. A very strong character, yes indeed.