Friday, March 17, 2017

Pangolinea Pig

I had English class today, and the rest of my day was spent doing homework. I had a math quiz to do, and some English, but mostly, I turned up the volume on my abnormal psych vocab and worked on my interior design project. I had to construct a floor plan.

I based my design loosely on Timmy Turner's house, which is also infamous for being one of (if not THE) least consistent houses among cartoons (Ex: In the episode "Formula For Disaster", the placement of his room in the house changes at least four times). It took me HOURS, but it's something that I really wanted to do, so this is what I ended up with:

There's a basement too but I didn't finish it yet 
because I figured this was good enough for now

Of course, on the version I turned into my teacher, I changed words like "Timmy's room" to "Master bedroom" and such. I also took some creative liberties and added the nook, loft, and an extra couch and the rug comment. They don't appear in the show, but considering what we've been discussing in class, I felt my teacher would approve.

Otherwise, I generally tried to stick to canon. Jen was amazing and played the "Breakin' Da Rulez" video game while I worked so that she could offer layout advice. It was a lot of work, but it's cool to say, "Hey, I pulled together an idea for a house that's so inconsistent in the show!"

I was pretty burned out when I was done. I... probably should have taken breaks from staring at my screen, but I'm not kidding when I said I was working on this all day. I did this on Illustrator and many things are on different layers. I watched multiple episodes, and ran lots of ideas past Jen and Linz (Ah, I love having friends with the same interests as me). Jen actually created a map of Timmy's house for an RPG a few years ago, but I didn't want to copy straight off her. I did the actual project myself, but these two both offered screenshot references, which was nice of them.

Anyway, after that was submitted and I'd left comments on the works of at least two other students as necessary, I kept my vocab words playing in my ears as I sketched traditionally. I've been wanting to draw Bunsen with all his animal parts, so here we go:

There's a joke to be made here about Bunsen being heavily based
on guinea pigs when the whole show is about him trying new things

Yep! I learned many interesting guinea pig facts while I was gathering this research in my spare time over the last few days, and yeah, it looks like he fits their biology pretty darn well! Enough to make you wonder if that was a coincidence or not.

Ooh, and I also found out that I scored a 46.5 out of 50 on my last stats exam. Not quite as high as I wanted, but considering that I spent about four hours on it with Jeff and we had to redo an entire set of questions, I'll take it! 93% isn't so bad!