Thursday, March 30, 2017

Let You Wear Long Pants

I was down to my last pair of pants today. They're pretty big on me and tend to drag around the ankles. This was bad news because it rained so much today, and there were puddles everywhere. After stats class, I did laundry and changed into other pants. I called Mom while I folded clothes, but she was driving home from diving and I didn't want to bother her.

Abnormal psych today. We finished our discussion about the personality disorders and discussed some learning disorders, which was interesting. Dyslexia isn't a real diagnosis, but "a learning disorder in either reading, writing, or math". I know none of you care and will probably be annoyed with me for bringing it up, but it's funny when you can recognize cartoon characters among the disorders. Not just Mikey's learning disorder in the writing subcategory, but he fits the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder pretty darn well. I love him. Certainly makes it easier to remember which traits go with which one!

I finished my Pinterest assignment and math for the week, and Mom called me back later as I was studying. We talked for a long time. I'd been trying to finish my homework (mostly English), and I've been having trouble managing my time well and overcoming procrastination after the long past few weeks. I asked if she could call me a few times at random throughout the day over the next week or so.

The day ended with ice cream and one of those cookies I still had left over from Demetria (warmed up in the microwave). Not a bad way to be.