Monday, March 13, 2017

Morning After Spring Break

First day back at school! And after Daylight Savings time. Luckily most college professors don't mind it too much if you walk in a few minutes late (and in my defense, the buses altered their routes a bit due to construction). I'll just have to leave earlier.

We did a cool activity in English class today. We got in groups and everyone wrote a paragraph about Disney princesses, but without giving it a topic sentence. My group chose animal companions as our main topic, and discussed why Mushu from "Mulan" is a better character than "Pascal", namely because Mulan contributes to the plot whereas Pascal is a tagalong. Then we passed our paragraphs to our neighbors, and they had to write a topic sentence for our paragraph as though it were transitioning from their paragraph. Then we read the whole "essay" out loud. Fun.

I cleaned dishes and the frog tank between classes today, and worked on my article project in the evening. This week is full of assignments. It's always bizarre to me when people talk about being bored during Spring Break or summer. I never have enough time to do all the things I want.