Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017

We combined wards at church today. With it being Easter, I guess a lot of people went home to see their families. I wonder if I should have talked to my parents about me coming home too. That would have been fun to hunt eggs and things. But, I've gotten a lot of homework done this weekend, and I'll be seeing them next week anyway. I did get a book for Easter, and I have a nice chocolate bunny to eat, so that's not so bad!

I checked my email this afternoon and saw a message from my English teacher saying that she was stuck in Idaho Falls until tomorrow night, so we wouldn't be having class. Ha. I almost feel like I've missed more days of this class than I've gone.

For dinner, I cooked spaghetti. I did homework today too. First up was the stuff for career class. I scored 19 out of 20 points on my quiz, and I also spent a few hours finishing the rest of my math., and squeezed in a bit of time to write at the end of the day too. Nice!