Friday, April 14, 2017

Three Pinterest Boards

I had a little bit of time to polish up my essay draft this morning. And print it, of course. Nice to have the printer. We broke into groups of three in class and reviewed each other's work. One of the boys I'm working with is writing about space programs and why those of other countries should work together (I think? Sometimes it was hard to tell if he was for or against the idea), and  the other boy is writing about the influence of language on culture. I left him a note about that video on color we watched in interior design class.

I was able to enjoy being at the apartment for awhile, until the fire alarms went off. This was concerning since we'd been told there would be no more drills for this semester, and that if they went off again, it was real. But, we weren't outside for very long. Apparently the dust from some construction triggered the smoke detectors, so there was no actual fire. The elevator had shut down, though, so I had to climb the stairs back to my floor.

My abnormal psych teacher had wanted us to hold off on submitting our extra credit essays until now. I polished up and submitted my report about the TV show "Monk" and OCD, and ate macaroni. After that, I went grocery shopping, and got some writing done on the Google Docs app on my phone.

When I came home, I did my week's Pinterest board assignment for interior design (Space and Perspective). I also whipped up two more boards for extra credit, their themes being Line and Victorian-Style Homes. Once they're graded, I should have around 110% in the class. That should give me the boost I need if I end up struggling with my final project.

I threw in my laundry, and drew a bit as I waited for the laundry. As I was going to move it over, Mom called to talk to me, so that was nice. I completed my English quiz and, of course, folded the laundry and got it all put away. Phew! A bit of a busy day, but I enjoy getting things done!