Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Fun Bun Puns

The RA didn't come back to check my bathroom again, but no harm done in cleaning it more. I had stats today, and we continued our discussion on correlation and causation. 

In abnormal psych, our professor reminded us that if we add up our test scores and add the extra credit, then divide it out properly, there's no point in taking the final because he drops our lowest test grade. I'm very borderline between A and A- and I'm not sure if I divided my score correctly, so I'm planning to take the final anyway. It won't hurt. My lowest score was 24/30, and that was on the drugs test. The other units range between 27 and 29. I think I can score higher than 24 and safely secure my A.

Linzie's still on her "ChalkZone" high, so she spent awhile rewatching some episodes and sending my screenshots she liked. She also played with the hair of her future Rudy design. She wants him to have longer hair, but is struggling to still make him recognizable to his younger counterpart. Tonight she wanted to know what he might look like with his hair pulled back in a messy bun, and I screenshotted our exchange:

The joke here, of course, being that Rudy has a signature cowlick in the back of his hair.

(Note: Because of the time zones, it was actually around 7:00 my time. I'm not the one who was up until 4.)

I tried registering for fall semester classes tonight. Unfortunately, it looks like I got my date wrong again. I guess I register tomorrow!