Thursday, April 20, 2017

Off Route

I rode the red bus today, and I even made it early to stats class. We didn't receive our take-home tests, but that's actually pretty nice, because it means I can work on my essay and relax this weekend, since I'll be spending it with my family.

I was home for a few hours before the time came for me to go to abnormal psych. It was raining by the time I stepped outside. After a couple of minutes and no sign of the bus, I texted it on my phone. The message said it was nine minutes away. What? Still? I'd even left my room earlier than usual, but now I was going to be late!

So, I texted the code for the stadium stop instead of the Blue Square one. One shuttle was due to arrive in four minutes, the other in six. Okay, I could make it to that stop in four minutes. So, I headed out into the rain.

There was just one problem. After six minutes, the first shuttle finally arrived at the stadium stop. But it dropped off its passengers and went off route. Then it was another several minutes before the second bus showed up. By this point, the rain was coming down harder, and the purple bus had come and gone from Blue Square. I did eventually make it up to campus, but I was late for class and very wet. Texting the shuttles can be great sometimes, but they're not always totally predictable. You win some, you lose some.

I attended my abnormal psych as per usual, and the rest of the afternoon passed as I worked on my essay draft. Yesterday, I ended up getting distracted by my Baby Bottle Pop, and really wasn't in the mood to be working. I was actually in the flow today, so everything came together, and I finished the entire draft. It ended up being ten pages long, and it was only supposed to be eight, so I made a lot of cuts.

And how did I reward myself after all that writing? I did a bit of writing my own works, of course!