Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday's Light

This Wednesday wasn't so bad, actually! English class went all right. We were given free time to work on our essays. I didn't have my statistics lab this week, so I went home afterwards. In career class, we talked about Chapter 6 in our book: Clever Hans the "counting" horse, facilitated communication, and third variables.

Interior design was okay too. Class starts at 3:30. Our teacher took a poll of the class to find out if they'd rather have normal class now, or attend a lecture given by some design person at 4:00 for extra credit. To my surprise, most of the class wanted to just stay and have class now. Weird. I didn't think there were many classes that started around 4:00. Our teacher was surprised to, but he had taken the poll and he thought it would be unfair to go against the vote. So, no extra credit. Oh well. I'm doing well in class anyway.

We talked about some early modern styles of houses. My group was assigned to look at the Japanese style. Our teacher was very excited about the art deco section, and enthused about how the building we have class in is in art deco style too.

The style is meant to feel less homely and more business-y. Here are some pictures I pulled off his PowerPoint:

I don't like it. But my teacher loves it. No accounting for people's tastes, I suppose! It's not so bad for a bank or something, but I certainly wouldn't want to come home to it after a long day. I want carpet, tables, and squishy couches.

I had spaghetti for lunch at the Marketplace and worked on math homework until it was time for Institute. As time got close, I went there. I like to wait in the TSC because it has really soft couches and the Internet is cut off in most of the Institute building, but today I went a little early and waited outside the classroom for awhile. After waiting for sometime, I tried the door. It was locked. The classroom has two doors, so I tried the other. Also locked. There was a sign on this door that said there would be no Institute today. Huh. I never saw any of my classmates come by, which implies they must have known. I don't remember being told about this last week. Maybe I just forgot.

It was about 5:30. My hope was that I could catch one of the regular shuttles so I didn't have to take the slow evening bus back. The shuttles dropped off their last loads at the TSC, but drove away without letting anyone get on. But the stadium bus runs until six, so I rode back on it. Shaved a good ten minutes off the evening bus's route!

Fortunately, I had plenty of time to register for classes. The window for my group didn't open until 8:00, but I'd noticed that the time on my phone was a minute ahead of the time on my computer. I was able to slip in at 7:59 and get all the classes I was hoping for. I called mom to let her know. She was pretty relieved and said she had been very stressed because she wasn't sure I'd be able to get one of the four seats left in the fiction writing class, even if I was fast. Class scheduling is always a very intense time for her, heh heh.