Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Stockton On Tour

Mom and Stockton came up to see me after stats class, but I totally forgot to get a picture! Stockton was up here for a college tour, so I treated them both to lunch at the Marketplace, and we talked a lot about school. I'm glad Stockton's enjoying his theater class.

After lunch, Mom and Stockton took me to Lowe's. We picked up paint swatches and samples of floor that came out to be fifty cents. I took many pictures of pillows, blinds, curtain rods, and lighting fixtures too. Hopefully I'm doing this swatch board project correctly.

We grabbed groceries at Lee's and took them back to my apartment. Mom talked to me about class schedules for fall, and then they dropped me off near the biology building and went off to enjoy some Aggie ice cream. We watched a movie in abnormal psych about trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling). It's fair game material for our test on Thursday, so hopefully I remember everything! I'm usually pretty good at recalling the things I watch.

Tonight I did homework and studied and things, and squeezed in a little bit of drawing. Coloring previous sketches, mostly. Wanted to try another full-body Mikey 'cuz I'm trying to practice body types and anatomy. Also, narcissist jokes.

And the pose I referenced- 
for his hand especially

I'm starting to get the hang of this artistic stuff! Mikey has fascinating hand movements and body language in this show. It makes him really, really fun to study and draw. He's certainly an intriguing fellow up and down the psychological scale!