Sunday, April 23, 2017

I Saw Greg

I had a pretty nice Sunday! There were some good church lessons (about believing in prophets because the gospel is perfect even if people aren't, and the "Fourth floor, last door" talk from Conference awhile back). At one point, Dad asked Brother Kimball about the For Sale sign in front of his house. Brother Kimball laughed and said that someone puts that on his house every once in awhile, presumably because he's so beloved by the ward and it would freak some people out.

We had dinner as a family, and I played Stockton's Happy Ball 5 game on Multimedia Fusion, before I packed up my things and headed out with Mom. We swung by Matt and Sam's and I got to see baby Gregory for the first time. Also, Jeff walks around a lot and likes to climb stairs. He's beginning to talk too, though he was a little shy around me.

That was that! Mom dropped me off at Blue Square and we said our good-byes. Crazy to think that the next time I see her will be when I'm officially coming home from college for the summer!