Sunday, December 18, 2016

Gingerbread, Gingerbread

Today was certainly busy! Santa came and we had early Christmas this morning! I received all my textbooks for next semester, an InstantPot for cooking with, and a Chromebook, which I'm currently using to write this blog post. Not a bad haul! My parents also heard me talking about how I was planning to use my Walmart gift card on a Settlers of Catan game for the cabin. They didn't seem very enthusiastic about it, which I didn't understand until they brought out another present- one they had planning to save for actual Christmas. Whoops. Well, this will work. I'll hold onto it.

Today, we decorated gingerbread houses with our relatives on Dad's side of the family. I helped to clean up and set up candy. Here we go:

I've made a lot of gingerbread houses over the last several years, so this time I decided to use a model. For fun, I went with Timmy Turner's house:

I did as well as I cared to, but my awnings didn't really want to stay on, and I started running out of red and pink Pez. It's acceptable, though.

I used my Chromebook for a little while after I tucked myself into bed. It feels like cheating.