Thursday, December 15, 2016

Last Day Before the Last Day

Plenty of studying today... Well, maybe not "plenty". You can't have too much studying, and it's a shape my horticulture test isn't later in the day, I think. I'd like to have more time in the morning to review. Hopefully I don't sleep in and show up late!

I found out tonight that I've been studying the incorrect definition for "dioecious" this entire time. So. Yep. It's written correctly in my notes. I got this question wrong on my quiz. It's written incorrectly in my updated notes. It's written incorrectly on my Quizlet. I just learned it completely wrong.

Well. Better to notice now as opposed to later. Now I'll definitely be able to remember it.

I've been reviewing my horticulture quizzes, and some of the questions just irk me. I missed one question because I'd gotten halfway through writing the answer in my notes, but the teacher moved on before I finished, so the answer I had wasn't complete. I missed one because our teacher said roots were a source, but later changed his mind and said they were only a source "sometimes", like how 'y' is "sometimes" a vowel. Usually, they're sinks.

Also, flowers are hardier than roots, apparently. I missed a question about worms because I answered that they improve soil dilation, not soil structure. And there was a toughie about greenhouses, because it was "which one of these does not exist", and apparently they all exist, but we didn't talk about the roticular in class, so that was the answer I went with. Luckily I got that one right.

Another question was, "Which of these is not usually considered a horticulture crop?" and I picked "annual flowers" when the correct answer was "corn", which was my own dumb fault, but it's still a curveball question, I think. Sometimes I said "All of the above". So I know things. I just don't know the right things. Evidently my teacher likes to play "two truths and a lie" with his True or False questions, so you have to make sure you have all three details right before you select 'True'.

And there's still at least one question where I was marked wrong, but the teacher says I have the correct answer, but he hasn't fixed it. I'm planning to talk to him about that tomorrow. Eesh, this class.

I learned too that I scored quite a bit about the mean score for my class on the chocolate final. There was only one quiz/assignment in the semester where I scored lower than the mean. It looks like this class was a struggle for all of us.