Friday, December 2, 2016

Horticulture Notes

Well, I had a busy day of working today, but all my horticulture notes have been typed up and I studied them for a long time. I think typing did help. Now I just need to finish the chocolate notes and the graphs and report for the rat lab. Getting that report done will be a huge weight off my shoulders.

There's not a lot much else to say about today. I've been getting some use out of my blender, which is good. I cleaned my bathroom and stuff like that. Also listened to a few of the "Moana" songs again for a long time. They're nice. I think "Shiny" is our first actual Disney villain song for a few years- What's come out recently? "Wreck-It Ralph"? "Frozen"? "Brave"? "Big Hero 6"? "Zootopia"? "Inside Out"? That one's Pixar I guess, but it's been awhile nonetheless.

I just thought having an antagonist reveal Maui's backstory and biggest weakness in song form was really clever. That was a pretty good movie. It had some great characters, excellent scenery, non-romantic relationships, nice designs like the boats, plot twists, and the animation is beautiful too. A+.