Monday, December 5, 2016

Nailed It

My behavior analysis teacher shared my "Fairly OddParents" psychology video with the class today. He said, "Some people do a good job with relevance projects each year, and some people really nail it". He picked six relevance projects that he thought were the best of the best, and I scored 100% on mine. Someone else did a "choose your own adventure" game where the goal was to extinguish annoying behaviors in your little brother. Someone wrote an entire song about differential reinforcement, complete with accurate lyrics and awesome music and everything. My teacher advised us all to approach that person and have them sign a record deal.

My grade for behavioral analysis is an A! I have one more assignment to do (writing a summary of some book chapters that I finished reading today), my rat lab report (still waiting to meet with the TA on Thursday), and then the final, which I unfortunately need to take. I scored 90% on Exam 3, so if I would have done just two or three questions better on Exam 1, I would've been exempt. Assuming I score at least a 90% on that book summary, and I score 90% or above on my final, I should get to keep that A.

Later, my teacher sent me an e-mail saying that he was glad to have me in the class, and asking if I'd be interested in accepting a position as a TA for the rat lab next semester or a research assistant for the lab where he does his research. He said that he picks people each semester based on who "really excelled". I'm not sure I "really excelled" in his class given that I'm not too high above an A- at the moment, but I will have to consider these opportunities.

We had an invited speaker for chocolate class, or rather a speaker on the east coast who webcammed us. After that was over, I broke my fast - I'd forgotten yesterday was fast Sunday until too late - and ate food at the Marketplace. Then I attended SI. It was a pretty short session, but it was good to review a few things.

Then I rode the bus back to Blue Square. Our ice dispenser hasn't been working much for the last few days, so I grabbed my big plastic cup with its straw and lid and asked our neighbors if I could get some ice from them. They're in the four-roommate apartment, and it was my first time seeing it. It looks pretty awesome.

After that, I got to work on reading some chapters for lifespan development and adding information from the "Flavor" PowerPoint to my chocolate notes. I have to study dozens of slides like this:

I'm not even sure what "prot." is an abbreviation for

My teacher says that none of the quiz questions will be on the final, but the question difficulty will be similar. I'm not sure how I feel about this.