Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thanks, Canvas

I e-mailed my horticulture teacher about the grade of my garden visit essay. So, rewind: He told us some time ago that he was going to grade them all as 90s to show us that he got them. That was before Thanksgiving Break. So he did. By the first day or two, I knew he had my report. So I wasn't worried. What happened is, on Saturday I received a notification on Canvas that my grade had been updated. It was still 90, to my surprise. 

Come Thursday, and I finally got around to e-mailing my teacher asking where I had gone wrong. He responded shortly, "Check the message on Canvas."

The message was about him marking things as 90s until he changes the grade later. So, great. I made myself look like an idiot. I hate people thinking I don't know things I do know more than I hate not knowing things I never learned. At least this class is almost over and I won't have to see this teacher again. I wonder why Canvas told me the grade has been finalized?

I worked all morning on that Chapter 13 / 14 assignment for lifespan development and took a quiz on the content. After lifespan, I typed up ten pages of horticulture notes before I called it quits for the night. I copied over only the things that we've talked about more than once or that I thought were important. I'll have to finish them tomorrow so I can start on the chocolate notes, especially since that final is earlier. Maybe I should have done those first. Ah, well. My goal is to get those done so I can finish my rat report over the weekend.

The third behavior analysis exam is in the morning. Anyone who scores 90% on all three of the exams doesn't have to take the final. I scored 86% on the first exam (I missed I think four questions) and 94 on the second exam. But my teacher said if we score well on the three exams, we'll score well on the final. I should be able to score an A in this class without too much trouble.