Friday, December 9, 2016

Mitten Wrapping Paper

Well, I didn't have behavior analysis class this morning. I'd done all that I could do with my report last night, but my printer doesn't print color (which I wanted for the graphs), and I didn't have a three-prong folder to place my report in as the TA had suggested. So, this morning I got dressed and headed up to the TSC.

My first stop was the student library (I think that's what it's called, or student resource center). It was my first time using it, since when I've used the school computers before, I've done it in the actual Merrill-Cazier library. Graphs printed! I think it cost me about two dollars for three pages, but luckily we have a certain amount of money on our ID cards granted specifically for printing stuff.

Next, I needed a folder to put them in. I didn't find any 10¢ folders, but I found one for 99¢ that had the prongs I needed. So I bought it, as well as some things for my Secret Santa Sibling that I'd been eyeing yesterday. Wrapping was free, and the cashier did a great job.

Then I needed a place to work. There's an eating area at the end of the TSC, like the kind you'd see in a mall, so I picked an empty table and set out my stuff. I'd brought my three-ring hole-puncher so I didn't have to make the trip back to my room, and only my graphs still needed to be punched. After that, it was just a matter of ensuring that all my papers were in the right order.

Report finished, present wrapped, I headed over to the room where my behavior class was held. The teacher had said he'd be there to take final questions before our exam, and we were also able to view our previous test and note what we did wrong. I turned in my report, and my teacher said that at a glance, it looked like it was good to go. Nice. I asked a few more questions about that last test before horticulture began.

I won't miss my horticulture class. Today our sub asked those of us who had never rolled out sod before to raise our hands. Only like three of us did, in a class of about eighty, which shows you how out of my league I was. An introductory class!

I sit in the front row. The girl next to me at one point asked the teacher how you knew when your grass was too high (and when the community would require you to cut it). I turned to her and said, "When you find wild Pokemon in it, that's how you know you have a problem". She burst into laughter and missed the teacher's response.

But it's over now! No more classes! Just finals! I've got lots of studying to do.

So that was how I spent the rest of my day. First, I talked to my mom about my schedule. We're working things out with the research assistant position, so I'm taking an extra one-credit pass/fail class now, and dropping abnormal psych. Probably. That way, I'll take 15 credits instead of 17 this semester, since I really didn't want to juggle 17 when I have to deal with the English research paper writing class (which I've heard is hard) and psychological statistics.

On one of my chocolate quizzes, my teacher marked a question wrong that I knew was right. It was a three-in-one question with drop-down menus, and I'd gotten two of them incorrect. All my notes said that roasting caused flavor development. So I looked it up in the PowerPoints. Turns out, roasting causes the development of cocoa flavor, while fermentation causes the development of flavor precursors, which are two entirely different concepts. Ah.

I typed ninety chocolate vocabulary terms or other notes up on Quizlet today, and studied them as the hours passed. These ninety things seemed like the most important notes covered throughout the entire class, so I figured if I could get them down, I was golden. Once I have these locked and loaded, I'll review the PowerPoints again to fill in gaps in my memory. My chocolate final is late Monday afternoon. First one, but it'll be nice to be done! Then I have my two psychology ones, and finally horticulture on the last day.

My family called tonight so we could say family prayer together. I haven't been staying super on top of the "Light of the World" thing the Church is doing this year, but I knew that the 8th was a day for family prayer, and I thought it would be cool. After we'd said it, I studied for a bit longer, and eventually went to bed. This morning, I'd woken a little sideways across my bed and with the light still on. Tonight, I made sure everything was in order. It's nice that I can choose when to go to bed, and I don't have to balance the desires of a roommate on top of it.