Sunday, December 25, 2016

Pictures at Church

It was awhile before we all tore into the presents, but once we got going, there was no stopping us! Stockton seemed to approve of the Heads Up game and ping-pong paddle I got for him, and I was very excited to receive Preston's Secret Santa Sibling gift, 3D-printed Settlers of Catan pieces for my game (I have a 3D board I made a few years back that these will be perfect for).

 "Robber Rex" and this sheep thief are my two choices for the robber

Longest road trophy

 Largest army trophey

I also received a Stop Thief game, much to my surprise. I used to play that by myself all the time when I was younger, using the green mouse from Mousetrap as the detective who would chase after all my other toys. I'd have plastic dinosaurs and other small animals or people who would roll the dice and move around the Stop Thief board, stealing things and trying to make it back to their secret base before they were caught- the ice cream shop. Only my rubber yellow pterodactyl was never once caught. Perhaps I'll have to write a story someday about two bitter rivals- a green mouse policeman and a sneaky pterodactyl thief.

So Mom and Dad got me a game with all its parts, and with the money even unwrinkled, like it's never been used. Awesome!

And okay, I know you're not supposed to take pictures during church, but we had sacrament meeting at the cabin and I simply couldn't resist:

Uncle Spencer Bubs reading the story of Jesus's birth while his son Lincoln watches

We were given permission to have sacrament at our cabin since the snow was so heavy and still coming down. That worked out nicely. Several of us were still in pajamas, though of course those who actually blessed or passed the sacrament dressed up properly (Stockton said one of the prayers).

Mallory arranged the benches and blankets exactly how she wanted them. The younger kids made a decent attempt at being reverent, given that they didn't fully realize they were having church, and they were of course all very young. What a great Christmas Sunday, spent with family.

Several people went sledding, but I wasn't one of them. Instead, Dad and I played Stop Thief, and Preston and I engaged in a few Pokemon battles (I won both). Dinner was spaghetti courtesy of Bubs and Ange. I've had quite a lot of that since coming back from Blue Square! Sometime after dinner (and scriptures, and fudge), Dad and I played Stop Thief again, but this time without using Tips, and Preston joined in on the action. It was a wonderful Christmas this year!