Saturday, December 10, 2016

Notes On Quizlet

Today wasn't really exciting. I spent most of it poring over my chocolate notes. I put my Quizlet flashcards on a "slideshow" and drew for a bit as I watched and listened to them, and then set my sketches aside and played the matching game a bunch of times. I've really gotten these terms down better now. I still want to review the PowerPoints, but I'm feeling more confident than I did two days ago. I probably should have turned to Quizlet earlier in the semester. Now I'll know for next time.

Demetria came into my room at one point to make sure I was still alive, because she said she hadn't seen me all day, and she was worried I hadn't eaten. I had, but I'd stepped into the kitchen at a different time than she did. Anyway, I printed out some music for her. For dinner I made spaghetti, and it turned out nicely. Which was good, considering I'd forgotten to add the salt and vegetable oil until the water was about ready to boil.

I typed up my horticulture notes and ran through those for about an hour tonight too. Slowly but surely, I'm getting the hang of this!