Saturday, December 3, 2016

Rat Lab Report is Done!

... Well, it's almost done. I spent most of the day working on it. It's only seven pages long, but there are very specific requirements for it, and lots of sentences that contain big words and fancy scientific terms. I already had most of it complete, so today was spent e-mailing one of my labmates and checking to make sure we both had the correct data (We were sometimes missing information that we hadn't completely recorded due to being the person pushing the button to deliver food pellets to the rat). 

I fixed my graphs, which took quite awhile too. There were missing numbers to be plugged in, and one of my three graphs had to be scrapped and redone entirely. Like the report, they need to be done exactly right. I spent a lot of time combing through the (very long) rubric to ensure that absolutely everything was in order. 

However, I still have some questions about things that weren't clear to me, so I e-mailed the TA in charge of the rat lab so that I can set up an appointment with her and talk. I wrote down a sheet of six questions and I'm planning to bring my graphs and report on a flashdrive. For the life of me, I cannot quite figure out how to manipulate Excel to make my graphs the way they look in the example, which conveniently leaves out those instructions. It'll be good to talk that out with her. I'm able to see her on Thursday. The other option was Monday, but I have Institute then. Maybe I'll also look up some YouTube videos beforehand.

That was mostly my day, interspersed with occasional periods of revising my writing or sketching drawings. I also made great progress on typing up my chocolate notes. It's a good way to study. It'd take a miracle to score an A in that class, and I'm going to need to do pretty well on my last quiz and the final just to score an A-. Ulp! It's been difficult for me, but I'm surviving!